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Solid Rock Bible Church

5464 Muscat Road Hope Mills, NC 28348
PO Box 942 Fayetteville, NC 28302
(910) 424-0444
Pastor, Rev. Dr. Andra Yvonne Hodges
Reverend Willis S. Mitchell, Church Planter

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." II Corinthians 9:7
Solid Rock Bible Church online giving allow Members and Donors an option to pay Tithes, Offering, Grace Giving, and other contributions. Donations are also accepted by Mail. We humbly accept blessings in any amount. All monies will be put to good use at Solid Rock Bible Church!
Please click on the above link to access Givelify.
Donors can also download the Givelify app from Apple or Google Play Store.
If searching Givelify by name, please put in Solid Rock Bible Church Hope Mills, NC. You will see the SRBC logo.
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Thank You in advance for supporting the ministry of Solid Rock Bible Church!
May God continue to bless you and provide for your every need according to his riches and glory!
In His Service,
Rev. Dr. A. Yvonne Hodges, Pastor
Solid Rock Bible Church
Solid Rock Bible Church is a 501 (c) (3) organization. All Donations are tax-deductible.
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